Psalm 16:1 - 11Thou wilt show me the path of life: in Thy presence is fullness of joy; at Thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore. (Ps. 16:11)
This affirmation of faith is based on the statements that precede it. Let us look at them: (1) God controls my future, my present, and my place in society (vv. 5-6); (2) God gives me His counsel when I need wisdom (v. 7); (3) God fills my horizon, so I am unshakable (v. 8); (4) God gives me hope beyond the grave (vv. 9-10).
“Show me the path of life”: what a wise prayer for any believer to pray! God has a plan for each of our lives. But achieving His plan comes only by trusting Him. It is precisely because He controls me, counsels me, steadies me, and gives me hope, that I trust Him to work out His perfect plan for my life. You don’t have to agonize over getting God’s guidance, dear friend! Just begin to trust Him and obey the promptings of His Holy Spirit.
“In Thy presence,” the psalmist says, “is fullness of joy.” How much do you know about the presence of God? Such a condition goes beyond our best prayers and the emotional uplift that sometimes accompanies them. Here we are in the holy of holies... quiet, relaxed, humbled, cleansed, satisfied... with God. Practicing the presence of God takes time, to be sure. And it is costly, in the sense that God will reveal Himself only to those whose hearts are honest before Him. But when, by faith, you take your place with your risen Savior, trusting in His shed blood, His perfect righteousness, and His never-failing promises... ah, friend, there is fullness of joy!
Small thought here
Help yourself to a blessing by setting aside time just to be with God. You’ll be a holier, happier person as a result!